With the recent launch of our stunning Vintage Rose Collection, we are proud to showcase some of our latest Mahiya creations - and collaborations - with the help of lifestyle and fashion blogger Rachel Holliday of The Daily Luxe.

See more of her looks on Instagram @thedailyluxe and read our interview with the talented gal herself below!


Mahiya Muse: The Daily Luxe

Rachel wears the Amore Maxi in White Rose, Wanderlust Awaits Tee and Maple Mini in Black Rose.


Q: What do you appreciate most about living in Australia after growing up in England?

A: The weather, although I feel like that answer is the most stereotypically British thing I could possibly say! There’s something so laid back and chilled about Australian culture too that I really appreciate.

Living in Cairns, I still have to pinch myself at how stunning my surroundings are; I pretty much live in the dictionary definition of paradise!

No matter how many times I wander through the rainforest, swim in a dreamy waterfall or relax on one of the gorgeous beaches, I always stop and think “do I seriously live here?”

Even when I’m 80 and have lived here for 60 years I will never ever take this place for granted - haha! Hopefully I will still be exploring then too!

mahiya style blog


Q: Where is your favourite place - or places - to spend a weekend getaway in Cairns?

A: That’s a tough one as there are so many gorgeous places around here! I always love going to Fitzroy Island, which is located just off Cairns. It’s home to Nudey Beach, which was recently voted the best beach in Australia. Don’t worry - it’s not actually a nudist beach! Fitzroy also has reef that you can snorkel off the beach and I always manage to spot a green sea turtle or two.

I also love heading to Port Douglas for a cheeky staycation. There’s some beautiful resorts there and the restaurants are lovely. Plus, all my favorite boutique stores are there - so I always spend a few hours dragging my other half around the shops! 

vintage rose collection mahiya


Q: If you had to give one piece of advice about becoming a successful fashion and lifestyle blogger, what would it be?

A: Do it if you truly love it, then there will always be success from it in the form of your passion & happiness.

mahiya brand ambassadors


Q: Which destinations - local or abroad - are on your travel agenda this year? 

A: I’m actually heading back to the UK at the end of this year to spend Christmas and New Year's with my family. I haven’t been back since 2015 so I’m really excited!

Whilst my partner and I we are hoping to travel around Europe and see some gorgeous winter destinations! I’m hoping to head to Germany, Belgium and maybe Scandinavia.

the daily luxe mahiya


Q: In your experience, what makes the style in Australia unique compared to that of Europe or the U.S.?

A: When it comes to the style in Australian capital cities, they tend to dress quite chic, monochrome and minimalist. Whereas if you walked around London, you would see an absolute rainbow of quirky vintage styling.

There’s also that gorgeous bohemian beach style in Australia, which is 100% me and why I absolutely adore brands like Mahiya!

mahiya clothing vintage rose

Big thank you to Rachel for the lovely interview, and we are absolutely digging your Vintage Rose styling!  

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