Tara Pavlovic | Mahiya Muse & Artist in the making ♥
You became a household name as stand-out favourite & winner of Channel 10’s Bachelor in Paradise, but despite the TV exposure, the show never really showed much about the true you...can you share with us a little more about you and your everyday life?
Sure! I live in Burleigh heads with my partner (Nick) and I work as a nanny in around the Gold Coast. I absolutely love what I do, and where I live. I start my day with a 6am workout at Xtend Barre in Burleigh Heads, grab a coffee and usually head straight to work from there. After work I come home, sometimes have a sauna and swim with Nick and then we cook dinner. Nick is usually on the BBQ in charge of the meat and me in the kitchen in charge of the salad. Most nights I’m in bed by 8:30!

TV life aside, what are you most looking forward to in 2019?
I am looking forward to working hard, saving hard and hopefully by the end of the year we will be ready to buy our own home. I also have a project I am working on, so I am really excited to see how that goes. I wake up every morning so pumped to see what the day brings, I love my normal everyday life.

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We loved seeing all of your photos from your Europe trip in 2018, it’s such a beautiful place! Can you share with us some of your favourite spots?
Europe was AMAZING. I really loved Amsterdam, it was so quirky and different. The shopping there was absolutely AMAZING too. My favourite place though was Croatia (I am Croatian, so I could be being biased). We went from Dubrovnik, to a small village where my family of from called Mali Ston. Mali Ston was my favourite place in the whole of Croatia. I saw family who I had never met before, but other than that, it isn’t a massive tourist spot, so it was so quiet and untouched. There is also so much history there, including the Walls of Ston - built in 1333. After the Great Wall of China, they are the longest defensive walls in the world- and they are right in my families back yard!
Apart from the history aspect, the small family owned restaurants there were to die for. We ordered muscles and we saw the chef pull them out of the water right in front of us. I have never had fresher seafood in my life.

Based in Mahiya’s own home town, what do you love most about living here on the Gold Coast?
I love the ease and how laid back the Gold Coast is. I moved here from Sydney around 2 years ago, every time I go back to visit, I think to myself "how did I live there?!" The traffic is better here, parking is free (or cheap), there aren’t tolls every 5 minutes, rent is cheaper, the beaches aren’t super crowded, the weather is better, and I find the people are nicer too. People here have time to smile and say hello, they aren’t always rushing off to work. Also, I LOVE the fashion sense here,
it’s so me.

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What keeps you grounded and inspired in everyday life?
I am surrounded by amazing down to earth people in my day to day life. Working with kids and the people I surround myself with show me what is important in life- family, friends and love. I am inspired by the families I am around to work hard and to hopefully one day have a beautiful family of my own.
The best piece of life advice you’ve ever received?
Trust your instincts and listen to your feelings.

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Can you share with us your favourite style tips? What’s your everyday go-to look?
Because I am running around all day with work, my hair is always up in a topknot because I get so sweaty! I love to wear an easy jumpsuit or workout gear to work because it is super easy to move in. When I’m not working, I love a maxi dress or a maxi skirt with a cute cropped Tee or singlet.
What does your everyday beauty & self-care routine look-like?
In the mornings I make sure I put on sun cream because I suffer with pigmentation on my nose and cheeks. If I’m bothered, I pop on some foundation over the top with a bit of bronzer. At night I use the Eco Tan range to cleanse my skin. I swear by it. My skin has been amazing since I started using it.

What’s the one thing that people would never guess about you?
I love art. I actually am half way through a fine arts degree but stopped when I went on The Bachelor! I am going to start doing my art again now that I have more time.
What mediums do you love to work with & what are your plans when you finish your degree?
I love drawing with felt tip pens, especially perspective drawings. I also love experimenting with acrylic paint mixed with other mediums. I’m a sucker for anything colourful too. I’m not sure if I want to finish my degree. Life has taken me in other directions and I feel like I learnt enough to use my knowledge on future projects without needing the degree.

What is your favourite art period & which artists inspire you most?
I really like the surrealism art movement. I find the artworks from that time so quirky and imaginative. My favourite artists from the time are Salvador Dali and René Magritte (the two most obvious choices!)
…... Can we ask about any details of your new project, or is it top secret?
I don’t want to say too much because it will take a bit of time. But lets just say, I will be putting my art skills to the test!
You can follow Tara on Instagram via @tarapavlovic ❤