Stockist Love | The Creative behind White Bohemian

Mahiya Stockist & fellow Gold Coast local, we chat with White Bohemian founder Sharon Fletcher about her love affair with Fashion
When did you create White Bohemian?
I created White Bohemian 7 years ago
Have you always had a love affair with Fashion?
I seem to relate Fashion with the current ‘on trend’ styles and have never truly felt our Boho/Hippie styles fit in to this category. I suppose its a type of Fashion as its originally from an era but to me its always carried through and is an expression of yourself and your lifestyle. Growing up, I would always go to Mums wardrobe and sneak her 70’s kaftans and cotton floral Hippy dresses on.
What do you love most about running White Bohemian?
My staff and my customers, they make it so easy and enjoyable as they are so lovely and we have many customers that have become friends and I love seeing the bonds they form and seeing our customers happy with their new purchases.
Most coveted look of the season?
Anything Linen!
Most favourite piece you’ve ever purchased?
It has to be my Vintage finds, I have a few treasured vintage dresses.
Where do you draw your daily inspiration from?
Im always inspired by Summer, I love the beaches, the blue waters, the white sands, white sea shells and any tropical getaways.
What’s the best piece of advice that you ever received?
Pink Gin and Tonic is delicious!
Best piece of styling advice that you can offer?
Wear what you love and what you feel comfortable in as it shows in your personality.
What lies ahead for White Bohemian?
I hope continuity, I am happy to move forward and focus on my loyal followers and continue to search and find treasured styles for your wardrobes.
As a business owner, what does self-care look like to you?
Self-care comes in many forms, however, for me it is ensuring my life has balance. Balance for me is being Mum, Wife, Business Owner and Me, ensuring its as even split as possible the I find mentally I am happy.
For you, happiness is?
Seeing my family happy , hanging out with the girls or…… sitting in the sun with a glass of Champagne in one hand and a book in the other.

Dream dinner guests and why? (living or passed)
Drew Barrymore id have to say, she has been through so much and come out the other side, she has a sense of humour and the inner wild child I love! I think she would be a fun dinner guest, I imagine we would end up dancing around the living room after a couple of bottles of wine!
For our own curiosity, and as an on-going source of inspiration, we always like to find out as much as we can about our featured guests, can you humour us with the first thing that comes to mind for each the below?
Currently I am...
Drinking… Always
Cooking… Minestrone soup (honemade)
Watching… Games of Thrones (finally, its taking me 3 attempts to get past the gore)
Listening… to anything really
Reading… Sapeins
Dreaming… Of summer getaways always
Wearing… a warm snuggly cardigan and ugg boots
Planning… A European summer road trip next year